Are you committed to Tampa?

So you are committed to making a huge investment in the Tampa area? Praise the Lord.

We thank God for His calling on your life.

We want to do everything we can to help you. Along those lines, there are some ways we can connect you to partnerships and other assistance through the North American Mission Board. If that sounds like something you are interested in pursuing, just follow these steps (instructions for Lead Planter below):

  1. Register with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and complete the Lead Church Planter application.
  2. Indicate whether you are already talking with someone here and provide the name of that contact person. Please use the name Mike Kahn, if you have not begun working with a NAMB, or Florida Convention representative.
  3. You will receive a follow-up from NAMB. And NAMB will notify us of your interest.
  4. You will be directed to fill out an application and an initial (free) pre-assessment inventory. You will then be asked to complete additional inventories which cost approximately $100, which will be reimbursed when you are approved as a candidate.
  5. Next, NAMB will send you links to submit references, marital and temperament inventories and a background check, after which you will be contacted by us to discuss scheduling a Church Planter Assessment Interview.
  6. The Assessment Interview requires that you and your wife do a field interview in Tampa, a two-day interview with local church planters/missionaries/pastors who have experience planting churches and working with church planters. At this interview, you will participate in individual interviews as well as group interactions, a sermon, and a strategy presentation.
  7. Following the Church Planter Assessment Interview, you will be provided with an Assessment Report containing the following:
    1. Summary of inventory feedback
    2. Disposition of Assessment Team: “Recommended,” “Recommended With Conditions,” or “Not Recommended.”
    3. Summary of Strength and Growth Areas
    4. Recommendations for further development as a planter
  8. Final decisions regarding recommendations for NAMB and partner church support rest with the Tampa Team. The assessment process is not intended to tell you if God is calling you to plant a church, but instead, it is designed to help the Tampa Church Planting Team and NAMB determine whether and how we are to partner with you. The results of this Assessment help us to best understand whether and how we can partner with you.

You are no doubt going to have questions about this process. We are here to walk with you.