Open Arms Church – Ybor City

[one_half first]Joel Vicente is a New Yorker. He had just finished up bible college in Tennessee, when God put Tampa on his heart.

So he asked himself one question:  “where is the hardest place to plant in Tampa?”

That was 16 years ago. That answer was Ybor City.

Today, Pastor Joel is leading Open Arms Church, a healthy, loving and multiplying congregation; a testament to faithful planting and perseverance.[/one_half][one_half]

We are grateful for Pastor Joel’s investment in Tampa, and for his leadership in raising up leaders to plant new churches in the future.

  • Please contact Open Arms:
    Pastor Joel Vicente
    1314 East 18th Avenue
    Tampa, FL 33605
    (813) 248-2595

Video coming soon[/one_half] [hr_invisible]